Update to gitDemo.sh for utility functions
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 122 additions and 124 deletions
@ -1,25 +1,15 @@
SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd $(dirname ${0}); pwd)
declaim () {
echo ${*}
echo "==============="
. ${SCRIPT_DIR}/utils.sh
usage () {
declaim "${0} [-s]"
sleepies () {
if [ "${SLEEPS}" = "Y" ]; then
sleep ${1}
# We expect the group, project and branch as parameters
export SLEEPS="N"
while getopts "sh" opt; do
@ -6010,53 +6000,53 @@ EOF
declaim "Cloning for the Master"
# Clone
git clone ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.git ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.mastersClone
git_command git clone ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.git ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.mastersClone
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.mastersClone
# Set Master's config
git config --local user.name "Master O'Theuniverse"
git config --local user.email "master.otheuniverse@example.com"
git_command git config --local user.name "\"Master O'Theuniverse\""
git_command git config --local user.email "master.otheuniverse@example.com"
# Master creates a release branch
declaim "Master creates release branch"
git branch REL2018.11 master
git push origin REL2018.11
git_command git branch REL2018.11 master
git_command git push origin REL2018.11
sleepies 15
# Developer 1 clone
declaim "Developer 1 clones"
git clone ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.git ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev1
git_command git clone ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.git ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev1
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev1
# Set Developer 1's config
git config --local user.name "Developer O'Ne"
git config --local user.email "developer.one@example.com"
git_command git config --local user.name "\"Developer O'Ne\""
git_command git config --local user.email "developer.one@example.com"
# Developer 1 creates branch
declaim "Developer 1 creates development branch from release branch"
git checkout REL2018.11
git branch REL2018.11_dev1
git checkout REL2018.11_dev1
git push --set-upstream origin REL2018.11_dev1
git_command git checkout REL2018.11
git_command git branch REL2018.11_dev1
git_command git checkout REL2018.11_dev1
git_command git push --set-upstream origin REL2018.11_dev1
sleepies 15
# Developer 2 clone
declaim "Developer 2 clones"
git clone ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.git ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev2
git_command git clone ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.git ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev2
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev2
# Set Developer 2's config
git config --local user.name "Developer Two"
git config --local user.email "developer.two@example.com"
git_command git config --local user.name "\"Developer Two\""
git_command git config --local user.email "developer.two@example.com"
# Developer 2 creates branch
declaim "Developer 2 creates development branch from release branch"
git checkout REL2018.11
git branch REL2018.11_dev2
git checkout REL2018.11_dev2
git push --set-upstream origin REL2018.11_dev2
git_command git checkout REL2018.11
git_command git branch REL2018.11_dev2
git_command git checkout REL2018.11_dev2
git_command git push --set-upstream origin REL2018.11_dev2
sleepies 15
@ -6086,9 +6076,9 @@ index 516d50c..94aea57 100644
git add source
git commit -m "Moving this out to be a variable"
git push
git_command git add source
git_command git commit -m "\"Moving this out to be a variable\""
git_command git push
sleepies 15
@ -6114,21 +6104,21 @@ index b9f9725..0aad3a3 100644
git add source
git commit -m "Formatting changes."
git push
git_command git add source
git_command git commit -m "\"Formatting changes.\""
git_command git push
sleepies 15
# Master creates a release branch
declaim "Master creates another release branch"
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.mastersClone
git checkout REL2018.11
git pull --prune origin
git checkout master
git pull --prune origin
git branch REL2019.02 master
git push origin REL2019.02
git_command git checkout REL2018.11
git_command git pull --prune origin
git_command git checkout master
git_command git pull --prune origin
git_command git branch REL2019.02 master
git_command git push origin REL2019.02
sleepies 15
@ -6136,11 +6126,11 @@ sleepies 15
declaim "Developer 1 develops for the second release branch"
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev1
git fetch --prune
git checkout REL2019.02
git branch REL2019.02_dev1
git checkout REL2019.02_dev1
git push --set-upstream origin REL2019.02_dev1
git_command git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout REL2019.02
git_command git branch REL2019.02_dev1
git_command git checkout REL2019.02_dev1
git_command git push --set-upstream origin REL2019.02_dev1
sleepies 15
@ -6167,53 +6157,53 @@ index c55118d..6b88814 100644
git add source
git commit -m "Further variablisation."
git push
git_command git add source
git_command git commit -m "\"Further variablisation.\""
git_command git push
sleepies 15
# Master prepares to merge development work to first release branch
declaim "Master prepares for merge requests"
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.mastersClone
git checkout master
git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout master
git_command git fetch --prune
for branch in $(git branch -l | grep -v master)
git branch -D ${branch}
git_command git branch -D ${branch}
for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v HEAD | sed 's/^\ \ origin\///')
git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git_command git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git checkout master
git_command git checkout master
# Master does the merge
declaim "Master merges Developer 1 and Developer 2's work for first release"
git checkout REL2018.11
git merge --no-ff -m "Merge REL2018.11_dev1 following approved code-review" REL2018.11_dev1
git merge --no-ff -m "Merge REL2018.11_dev2 following approved code-review" REL2018.11_dev2
git push origin
git_command git checkout REL2018.11
git_command git merge --no-ff -m "\"Merge REL2018.11_dev1 following approved code-review\"" REL2018.11_dev1
git_command git merge --no-ff -m "\"Merge REL2018.11_dev2 following approved code-review\"" REL2018.11_dev2
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
# Developer 1 merges the new merge into their own branch
declaim "Developer 1 updates their working area following the merge"
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev1
git fetch --prune
git checkout REL2018.11_dev1
git pull origin REL2018.11
git push origin
git_command git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout REL2018.11_dev1
git_command git pull origin REL2018.11
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
# Developer 2 merges the new merge into their own branch
declaim "Developer 2 updates their working area following the merge"
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev2
git fetch --prune
git checkout REL2018.11_dev2
git pull origin REL2018.11
git push origin
git_command git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout REL2018.11_dev2
git_command git pull origin REL2018.11
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
@ -6221,8 +6211,8 @@ sleepies 15
declaim "Developer 1 makes an update for the first release"
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev1
git fetch --prune
git checkout REL2018.11_dev1
git_command git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout REL2018.11_dev1
cat -v <<EOF | patch -p1
diff --git a/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldBean.java b/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldBean.java
@ -6238,65 +6228,65 @@ index 94aea57..dd5fb5d 100644
String strMyMessage;
git add source
git commit -m "Noting that this is needed for the REL2019.02 release."
git push origin
git_command git add source
git_command git commit -m "\"Noting that this is needed for the REL2019.02 release.\""
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
# Master prepares to merge development work to first release branch
declaim "Master merges Developer 1's new update to the first release"
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.mastersClone
git checkout master
git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout master
git_command git fetch --prune
for branch in $(git branch -l | grep -v master)
git branch -D ${branch}
git_command git branch -D ${branch}
for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v HEAD | sed 's/^\ \ origin\///')
git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git_command git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git checkout master
git_command git checkout master
# Master does the merge
git checkout REL2018.11
git merge --no-ff -m "Merge of latter work on REL2018.11_dev1 following approved code-review" REL2018.11_dev1
git push origin
git_command git checkout REL2018.11
git_command git merge --no-ff -m "\"Merge of latter work on REL2018.11_dev1 following approved code-review\"" REL2018.11_dev1
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
# Master does the follow-on merge
declaim "Master propagates the work for the first release on to the branch for the second release"
git checkout REL2019.02
git merge --no-ff -m "Merge of work on REL2018.11 to here as it's needed" REL2018.11
git push origin
git_command git checkout REL2019.02
git_command git merge --no-ff -m "\"Merge of work on REL2018.11 to here as it's needed\"" REL2018.11
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
# REL2018.11 goes live. Merge to master
declaim "Master merges the work on the first release to master"
git checkout master
git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout master
git_command git fetch --prune
for branch in $(git branch -l | grep -v master)
git branch -D ${branch}
git_command git branch -D ${branch}
for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v HEAD | sed 's/^\ \ origin\///')
git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git_command git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git checkout master
git_command git checkout master
git tag REL2018.11.0 REL2018.11
git merge --no-ff -m "REL2018.11 now live" REL2018.11
git push origin
git_command git tag REL2018.11.0 REL2018.11
git_command git merge --no-ff -m "\"REL2018.11 now live\"" REL2018.11
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
# Master tags and removes REL2018.11
git push origin :REL2018.11
git push --tags origin
git_command git push origin :REL2018.11
git_command git push --tags origin
sleepies 15
@ -6305,22 +6295,22 @@ declaim "Developers update their working areas"
for dev in dev1 dev2
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.${dev}
git checkout master
git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout master
git_command git fetch --prune
for branch in $(git branch -l | grep -v master)
git branch -D ${branch}
git_command git branch -D ${branch}
git push origin :REL2018.11_${dev}
git_command git push origin :REL2018.11_${dev}
sleepies 15
for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v HEAD | sed 's/^\ \ origin\///')
git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git_command git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git checkout master
git merge origin/master
git_command git checkout master
git_command git merge origin/master
sleepies 15
@ -6328,56 +6318,56 @@ sleepies 15
# Developer 1 merges updates to the second release branch into their own development branch
declaim "Developer 1 updates their 2nd release branch working area following the cross-merge"
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.dev1
git fetch --prune
git checkout REL2019.02_dev1
git merge -m "Updating my dev branch with the 2018.11 release" origin/REL2019.02
git push origin
git_command git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout REL2019.02_dev1
git_command git merge -m "\"Updating my dev branch with the 2018.11 release\"" origin/REL2019.02
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
# Master prepares to merge development work to second release branch
declaim "Master prepares for merge requests"
cd ${BASEDIR}/javaBootcampNoEclipse.mastersClone
git checkout master
git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout master
git_command git fetch --prune
for branch in $(git branch -l | grep -v master)
git branch -D ${branch}
git_command git branch -D ${branch}
for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v HEAD | sed 's/^\ \ origin\///')
git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git_command git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git checkout master
git_command git checkout master
# Master does the merge
declaim "Master merges Developer 1's work for second release"
git checkout REL2019.02
git merge --no-ff -m "Merge REL2019.02_dev1 following approved code-review" REL2019.02_dev1
git push origin
git_command git checkout REL2019.02
git_command git merge --no-ff -m "\"Merge REL2019.02_dev1 following approved code-review\"" REL2019.02_dev1
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
# REL2019.02 goes live. Merge to master
declaim "Master merges the work on the second release to master"
git checkout master
git fetch --prune
git_command git checkout master
git_command git fetch --prune
for branch in $(git branch -l | grep -v master)
git branch -D ${branch}
git_command git branch -D ${branch}
for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v HEAD | sed 's/^\ \ origin\///')
git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git_command git branch ${branch} origin/${branch}
git checkout master
git_command git checkout master
git tag REL2019.02.0 REL2019.02
git merge --no-ff -m "REL2019.02 now live" REL2019.02
git push origin
git_command git tag REL2019.02.0 REL2019.02
git_command git merge --no-ff -m "\"REL2019.02 now live\"" REL2019.02
git_command git push origin
sleepies 15
# Master tags and removes REL2019.02
git push origin :REL2019.02
git push --tags origin
git_command git push origin :REL2019.02
git_command git push --tags origin
@ -7,6 +7,14 @@ declaim () {
# A function to sleep for a bit if the environmental variable SLEEPS
# is Y
sleepies () {
if [ "${SLEEPS}" = "Y" ]; then
sleep ${1}
# A function to print the git command to be executed and then to
# execute it
git_command() {
Add table
Reference in a new issue