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2024-05-20 08:22:33 +00:00
#+TITLE: Bluesky Architecture compared to other social media services
#+SUBTITLE: [[file:?print-pdf][Printable version]]
#+DATE: [2024-05-24 Fri]
#+AUTHOR: Éibhear Ó hAnluain
#+OPTIONS: ':nil *:t -:t ::t <:t \n:nil ^:{} author:t c:nil creator:nil
#+OPTIONS: d:nil date:t e:t email:t f:t inline:t num:nil p:nil pri:nil
#+OPTIONS: stat:nil tags:nil tasks:t tex:t timestamp:nil toc:1 todo:nil |:t
#+DESCRIPTION: A discussion of Bluesky's architecture as it relates to other social media services
#+REVEAL_ROOT: ./reveal.js
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#+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: ./e-reveal.css
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#+REVEAL_TOC_SLIDE_BACKGROUND: ./bCardBackground.png
* Notes :noexport:
* Introduction
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* General social media architectures
** Simplistic view 1/2 -- overview
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** Simplistic view 2/2 -- services
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#+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear)
- Social media user access the app
- The app interacts with the API
- The API is the gateway for the database of posts, responses, likes, etc.
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** More realistic view 1/4 -- overview
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** More realistic view 2/4 -- basic services
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#+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear)
- Social media user access the app
- The app interacts with the API
- The API is the gateway for the database of posts, responses, likes, etc.
- The API also captures data for building profiles of users for targeting purposes
- The algorithmic feed generator guides the API on what posts to place into the app's feed
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** More realistic view 3/4 -- the algorithm
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#+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
- Social media user access the app
- The app interacts with the API
- The API is the gateway for the database of posts, responses, likes, etc.
- The API also captures data for building profiles of users for targeting purposes
- The algorithmic feed generator guides the API on what posts to place into the app's feed
- Algorithmic feeds are created by the service administrator, using an app only /they/ have access to
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** More realistic view 4/4 -- content moderation
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#+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
- Social media user access the app
- The app interacts with the API
- The API is the gateway for the database of posts, responses, likes, etc.
- The API also captures data for building profiles of users for targeting purposes
- The algorithmic feed generator guides the API on what posts to place into the app's feed
- Algorithmic feeds are created by the service administrator, using an app only /they/ have access to
- Moderation is also performed by a member of the service's staff, using a dedicate app and services the the user doesn't have access to
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
2024-05-20 08:22:33 +00:00
* Federated social media services
** Federated services 1/8 -- overview
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#+ATTR_HTML: :width 75%
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
** Federated services 2/8 -- internal, administration and content moderation services
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#+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear)
- Same as before, the user access the service through an App that uses an API
- As federated services are small, the administrator and the moderator are the one person
- No algorithmic feeds, though
+ not popular in the fediverse community
+ difficult to implement in a federated environment.
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** Federated services 3/8 -- federation 1
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#+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns" style="width: 40%">
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (none none none appear)
- Same as before, the user access the service through an App that uses an API
- As federated services are small, the administrator and the moderator are the one person
- No algorithmic feeds, though
+ not popular in the fediverse community
+ difficult to implement in a federated environment.
- Federation service to push activity out to the federated network
- Federation API to take in activity from other nodes
- A logical database of inbound federated posts
- Federation using ActivityPub standard
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** Federated services 4/8 -- federation 2
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** Federated services 5/8 -- federation 3
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** Federated services 6/8 -- federation 4
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** Federated services 7/8 -- federation 5
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** Federated services 8/8 -- federation 6
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2024-05-20 13:10:29 +00:00
* Bluesky
** Basic Bluesky 1/2
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** Basic Bluesky 2/2
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#+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns" style="width: 30%">
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear)
- User interfaces with an app hosted by the /AppView/
- The /AppView/ includes an API (allowing for bot-like interactions)
- The /AppView/ stores and reads data from the /Personal Data Server/ (PDS)
- Bluesky resolved user identities using "DIDs" (Distributed IDs)
- The Bluesky admin uses a separate service for preparing algorithmic feeds
- The Bluesky moderator applies labels and actions to posts for trust and safety through a dedicated service
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* Bluesky -- Identities
** Bluesky Identities 1/4
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#+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns" style="width: 65%">
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear)
- User's typical Bluesky ID is =@<user-handle>
+ e.g.
- Users can set up their own handle, =@<user-handle>.<domain>=. E.g. (and these are all real IDs) ...
+ -- a cosmologist
+ -- the author
+ -- a U.S. Senator
- User must control the domain or be a legitimate member of the domain's community
- Domain-based handle resolves to a DID, either by DNS or =.well-known=:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
$ dig TXT
;; ANSWER SECTION: 3600 IN TXT "did=did:plc:23mysztmt7dh3l5lzhinzafi"
$ curl
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** Bluesky Identities 2/4
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** Bluesky Identities 3/4
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** Bluesky Identities 3/4
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