Improving the documentation
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 100 additions and 60 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#+OPTIONS: author:t c:nil creator:comment d:(not "LOGBOOK") date:t
#+OPTIONS: e:t email:nil f:t inline:t num:t p:nil pri:nil stat:t
#+OPTIONS: tags:t tasks:t tex:t timestamp:t toc:t todo:t |:t
#+CREATOR: Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 9.0)
#+DESCRIPTION: A java bootcamp module on building an app for tomcat with just the command-line
#+EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport
@ -19,12 +19,13 @@
** Pre-requisites
You will need a linux server with the following installed:
- tomcat :: This demo was prepare with tomcat-8.
- tomcat manager :: Used for deploying the your built application
- A web browser :: for accessing the tomcat manager
- git :: to access the project
- a text editor :: to fix any bugs you find (*Not* =eclipse=,
because that's the whole point.)
- java 8 JDK :: to build code
- tomcat manager :: Used for deploying your built application
- A web browser :: For accessing the tomcat manager
- git :: To access the project
- a text editor :: To fix any bugs you find (*Don't* use =eclipse=,
or any other "IDE", because that's the whole point.)
- java 8 JDK :: To build code
If you develop on one machine and deploy to the other, then
*tomcat* and *tomcat manager* are to be on the system you're
deploying to, and the rest where you're developing.
@ -39,7 +40,8 @@
where the git repository has been cloned to.
1. Get the code
: git clone
The repository is now in =${DEV_HOME}=. Change into it:
The repository is now in =${DEV_HOME}=. Set that as an
environment variable and change into it:
: export DEV_HOME=$(pwd)/javaBootcampNoEclipse
: cd ${DEV_HOME}
2. Make sure you're at the starting point:
@ -56,47 +58,53 @@
*** Steps
0. [@0] Confirm you can access the java compiler:
: javac -version
If this doesn't result in a message like =javac 1.8.0_141=,
you'll need to find where =javac= installed and place it on
your =${PATH}=.
If this doesn't result in a message that looks something like
=javac 1.8.0_141=, you'll need to find where =javac= is
installed and place it on your =${PATH}=.
1. Change to where the code is:
: cd ${DEV_HOME}/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse
2. Compile the files:
: javac *.java
3. Check the errors. If you see the message =error: package
javax.servlet does not exist=, then look at your =CLASSPATH=
setting, as dependend libraries are missing.
3. Check the errors. If you see the message
: error: package javax.servlet does not exist
then look at your =CLASSPATH= setting, as dependent libraries
are missing.
4. Fix your =CLASSPATH= and compile the java files:
: export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/tomcat8-servlet-api.jar:${CLASSPATH}
: javac *.java
5. If the successful, you will have the following additional files:
: ${DEV_HOME}/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldBean.class
: ${DEV_HOME}/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldServlet.class
5. If successful, you will have the following additional files
under =${DEV_HOME}/source/java/=:
: org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldBean.class
: org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldServlet.class
If this is the case, move on to lesson 2:
: git checkout lesson-2
** Lesson 2 -- build the jar file
*** Starting point
A clean git working area with two additional class files
A clean git working area with two additional class files in
: org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldBean.class
: org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldServlet.class
*** Goal
Class files archived into a jar file
*** Steps
1. Decide whether you want to include the source (=*.java=) files
in the jar file
in the jar file.
2. Determine other files to be included in the jar file
(e.g. config files, property files, etc.)
(e.g. config files, property files, etc.).
3. Change to the top-level of the package in the source:
: cd ${DEV_HOME}/source/java
Create the =lib/= directory to take the jar file:
: mkdir -pv ../lib
If you're *not* including the source files in the jar:
: jar cvf ../lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.jar org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/*.class
If you *are* including the source files in the jar:
: jar cvf ../lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.jar org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/*
4. If the successful, you will now have a new file:
4. If you're *not* including the source files in the jar:
: jar cvf ../lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.jar \
: org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/*.class
5. If you *are* including the source files in the jar:
: jar cvf ../lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.jar org
6. If successful, you will now have a new file:
: ${DEV_HOME}/source/lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.jar
If this is the case, move on to lesson 3:
: git checkout lesson-3
@ -104,8 +112,12 @@
** Lesson 3 -- build the war file
*** Starting point
A clean git working area with two additional class files and one
additional jar file.
A clean git working area with two additional class files in
: org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldBean.class
: org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldServlet.class
and one additional jar file in =${DEV_HOME}/source/lib/=:
: javaBootcampNoEclipse.jar
*** Goal
A deployable war file
@ -113,64 +125,83 @@
*** Steps
0. [@0] Review the following:
to understand the structure of the =war= file and the
=web.xml= file
to understand the structure of the file =web.xml= and the
=war= file
- =${DEV_HOME}/source/res/web.xml= to understand how this
application is to be used.
application is to be used
1. Create an empty directory in =${DEV_HOME}= called =webapp=,
then its directory structure and then change into it:
then its directory structure, and then change into it:
: mkdir -vp ${DEV_HOME}/webapp
: mkdir -vp ${DEV_HOME}/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
: cd ${DEV_HOME}/webapp
2. Copy in the jsps:
: cp -rv ${DEV_HOME}/source/jsps/* ${DEV_HOME}/webapp
3. Copy in the jar file:
: cp -rv ${DEV_HOME}/source/lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.jar ${DEV_HOME}/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
: cp -rv ${DEV_HOME}/source/lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.jar \
: ${DEV_HOME}/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
4. Copy in the =web.xml= file:
: cp -rv ${DEV_HOME}/source/res/web.xml ${DEV_HOME}/webapp/WEB-INF
: cp -rv ${DEV_HOME}/source/res/web.xml \
: ${DEV_HOME}/webapp/WEB-INF
5. Create the war file:
: jar cvf ${DEV_HOME}/source/lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.war *
6. If this was successful you will now have a new file:
: ${DEV_HOME}/source/lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.war
If this is the case, remove the direcory =${DEV_HOME}/webapp=
7. If this is the case, remove the direcory =${DEV_HOME}/webapp=
and move on to lesson 4:
: rm -fr ${DEV_HOME}/webapp
: cd ${DEV_HOME}; rm -fr ${DEV_HOME}/webapp
: git checkout lesson-4
** Lesson 4 -- deploy and test
*** Starting point
A clean working area with two additional class files, one
additional jar file and one additional war file.
1. A clean working area with two additional class files in
: org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldBean.class
: org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/MyHelloWorldServlet.class
one additional jar file and one additional war file, both in
: javaBootcampNoEclipse.jar
: javaBootcampNoEclipse.war
*** Goal
A deployed, working application
A working application
*** Steps
0. [@0] Some pre-steps
- If this isn't the first time to deploy, be sure to /undeploy/
the previous version of the application.
1. Navigate to =http://server:8080/manager=
- To follow these steps, you'll need your file
=javaBootcampNoEclipse.war= to be accessible locally to your
1. Navigate to =http://server:8080/manager= (where =server= is
where your tomcat instance is running)
2. Go to the /WAR file to deploy/ section and use the /Browse.../
button to select the war file to deploy.
button to select the war file to deploy
3. Press the /Deploy/ button. If successful, you'll see your
application shown in the list.
4. Go to =http://server:8080/javaBootcampNoEclipse= to access your
5. Test the application. If all is well, move on to lesson 5:
5. Test the application. If all is well, clean up your development
environment altogether:
: rm -vf ${DEV_HOME}/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/*.class
: rm -vf ${DEV_HOME}/source/lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.?ar
: rm -vfr ${DEV_HOME}/webapp
6. Move on to lesson 5:
: git checkout lesson-5
** Lesson 5 -- Add new functionality
*** Starting point
A clean working brought up to date to include the two new files:
and =${DEV_HOME}/source/lib/AstroLib-1.1.5ws.jar=, and an update
A clean working area, brought up to date to include the two new
files -- =Astro/ in
=${DEV_HOME}/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse= and
=AstroLib-1.1.5ws.jar= in =${DEV_HOME}/source/lib= -- and an
update to in
*** Goal
A working, updated application deployed to tomcat
A working, updated application deployed to tomcat.
*** Steps
0. [@0] Pre-steps
@ -178,33 +209,42 @@
+ =DEV_HOME= is set to where the git repository is cloned to
+ =CLASSPATH= contains =tomcat8-servlet-api.jar=
- Clean out the working area if there are unnecessary/unwanted files:
: rm -vf ${DEV_HOME}/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/*.class
: rm -vf ${DEV_HOME}/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse/Astro/*.class
: cd ${DEV_HOME}/source/java/org/gibiris/javaBootcampNoEclipse; \
: rm -vf *.class; rm -vf Astro/*.class
: rm -vf ${DEV_HOME}/source/lib/javaBootcampNoEclipse.?ar
: rm -vfr ${DEV_HOME}/webapp
- Review the changes that have been applied to the working area
1. Compile the java files (including the new java file) as per
Lesson 1.
/Lesson 1/.
Does it compile? If not, why. Three hints:
- there was a new sub-package added,
Does it compile? If not, why not? Three hints:
- There was a new sub-package added,
=org.gibiris.javaBootcampNoEclipse.Astro=, which your java
compiler needs to be able to find.
- there was a new jar file introduced to the repository
- there's a bug in the package specification in the new java
compiler needs to be able to find
- There was a new jar file introduced to the repository
- There's a bug in the package specification in the new java
file. Looking closely at the branches of this git repository,
you might even find a fix for it.
2. Build the jar file as per Lesson 2 (except, this time, the
2. Build the jar file as per /Lesson 2/ (except, this time, the
=lib= directory exists already).
3. Build the war file as per Lesson 3.
3. Build the war file as per /Lesson 3/.
4. Deploy the updated application as per lesson 4. You will need
4. Deploy the updated application as per /Lesson 4/. You will need
to undeploy the previous version first.
Does it deploy? Why not? (Hint: there was a new jar file
introduced to the repository)
Does it deploy? Why not? If it deploys, does it work? Why not?
(Hint: there was a new jar file introduced to the repository)
5. Fix the new bug, undeploy the bad application and deploy the
corrected one.
** Fin
*Look closely. At last, you get to see an eclipse!*
Hint: what's happening[fn:longPast:... or "what /happened/" if it
has gone past] in Grand Island in Nebraska at ~13:00 local time on
[2017-08-21 Mon]?
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